We are all working remotely but are happy to take your calls and will work to help you with your Medicaid Planning and Estate Planning even while we have to keep the office closed.

Oklahoma Estate Attorneys, PLLC.


What Is The Role Of A Personal Representative In Estate Planning? Edmond Ok Lawyer Explains

Who Are The Key Parties Involved In Estate Planning? Edmond Ok Lawyer Explains

What Is Asset Protection? Oklahoma Estate Planning Attorney Explains

How Often Should You Check Your Estate Plan? Edmond Ok Estate Planning Lawyer Explains

Who To Bring To Your Estate Planning Meeting: Tips From Edmond Lawyer Terrell Monks

Understanding Estate Plan Costs: Edmond Estate Lawyer Terrell Monks Advises

Timing Your Estate Plan In Edmond: Attorney Terrell Monks’ Guidance On Estate Planning

Preparing For Estate Planning: What To Bring To Your Attorney In Edmond, OK

The Importance Of The Initial Estate Planning Interview: Edmond Attorney Terrell Monks Explains

Navigating Estate Planning Mistakes In Edmond, OK: Expert Insights By Attorney Monks

Oklahoma Estate Planning Expert Attorney Explains What Prompts People To Finally Plan Their Estate

Oklahoma Estate Planning Expert Attorney Explains Why People Delay Their Estate Planning

Oklahoma Estate Planning Expert Attorney Explains How To Begin The Partition Process

Oklahoma Estate Planning Expert Attorney Explains How Long You Can Expect A Partition To Take

Oklahoma Estate Planning Expert Attorney Explains The Expected Costs Of Getting A Partition

Oklahoma Estate Planning Expert Attorney Explains The Expected Costs Of Getting A Partition

Understanding Partition In Real Estate – Edmond, OK

When Do You Need A Partition In Edmond, OK?

Difference Between Guardian And Conservator In Edmond, OK

Guardianship In Edmond, OK: Explained

Should You Appoint A Trustee For Your Children? | Edmond, OK Estate Planning Lawyer Explains

Will Your Named Guardian Be Involved In The Estate Planning Process? | Guardianship Lawyer Explains

Will Your Named Guardian Be Involved In The Estate Planning Process? | Guardianship Lawyer Explains

When Should You Name A Guardian For Your Child? | Oklahoma Estate Planning Attorney Explains

What Are The Financial Obligations Of A Legal Guardian? | Oklahoma Guardianship Lawyer Explains

What Is Adult Guardianship In Oklahoma? | Estate Planning Lawyer Breaks Down The Basics

How Do You Protect An Elderly Or Incapacitated Relative? | Oklahoma Guardianship Lawyer Explains

What Are The Rights And Responsibilities Of A Legal Guardian? | Oklahoma Planning Attorney Explains

Who Needs A Legal Guardian? | Oklahoma Adult Guardianship Attorney Breaks Down The Basics

What Does It Mean When A Case Goes To Litigation?

Is An Estate Attorney Necessary?

At What Age Should You Do Estate Planning?

Where Should I Store My Estate Documents

Terrell Monks, Esq.

Call For Our Free Probate Book Or To Reserve Your Seat At Our Free Estate Planning Workshop
(405) 880-8960

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